Innovation and efficiency


Ocean Cleaner Technology a seafaring company located in Cadiz, in the south of Spain – Europe, and is developing innovative marine technology such as the OC-Tech vessel, a multi-task ship that cleans up sea pollutants and waste and performs numerous port activities.

The design of the OC-Techvessel and cleaning system are protected by international patents.

Ocean Cleaner Technologyhas received financing from Europe twice with the best European line of funding for research and development (R&D) projects called “HORIZON-2020”, with a profitable business project and a product qualified as excellent, highly innovative and disruptive on the global market.

The OC-Tech system does not use chemical products and is designed to collect oil spills, microalgae or microplastics, remove floating marine litter such as plastic waste and packaging, as well as operate continuously, separately storing spills and solid debris collected from the sea.

In 2018, OCEAN CLEANER TECHNOLOGY completed the sale of two OC-TECH HABITAT multi-tasking vessels to the local government of the Canary Islands.

In 2019, the company consortium OCEAN CLEANER TECHNOLOGY and TINCASUR will finish building the first OC-TECH HORIZON multi-task vessel in aluminium, and will implement an innovative Eco-Dissemination plan with the new OC-TECH HORIZON vessel aiming to raise environmental awareness in European coastal areas.

THE TEAM – Creative energy

OC-Tech is made up of a creative multidisciplinary team of professionals committed to caring for the environment.

Luis Miranda

Luis Miranda


Sergio Gómez

Sergio Gómez


Christian Harhoff

Christian Harhoff


Vicente Benítez

Vicente Benítez

System development

Santiago Miranda

Santiago Miranda


José Luis Gómez Pérez

José Luis Gómez Pérez

Chief Marine Operation

Victor Vela

Victor Vela


D. Ramón Benítez Mateos

D. Ramón Benítez Mateos


SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – Caring for the blue planet


OC-Tech is a modern company committed to the care of marine and river environments, with a common corporate objective of building a circular economy within the principles of sustainable development.

Contact us

If you need more information, you can contact us by:

Centros de Empresas CEEI
Oficina 111
Calle Manantial, 13
El Puerto de Santa María
11500 Cádiz – Spain

+34 663 737 385
+34 696 698 821
+34 661 927 763

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European Union

European Regional Development Fund
Ocean Cleaner Technology, S.L, within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has had the support of ICEX and
with co-financing from the European ERDF fund. The purpose of this support is
contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

A way to make Europe

European Union

Ocean Cleaner Technology has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund, whose objective is to achieve a more competitive business fabric and thanks to which has gone to the commercial mission to NorShipping - Oslo, to promote its internationalization. This action took place in June 2019. For this, it has had the support of the International Promotion Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain.

A way to make Europe


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 783773 - OC-TECH

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